Wednesday, 23 May 2012

My name is Bronwyn James and I signed up to go to camp because I wanted to have the experience of my life!
I wanted to have the opportunity to live and work overseas teaching and working with kids. I was interested in learning about a new culture and sharing my complete and all consuming Australian-ism. I also wanted to see what summer camp was really like and I am glad that I have had the opportunity to realise it is the most addictive, fulfilling thing that anyone can do!
At home I work as a teacher, both primary and secondary, and I teach a variety of subjects including English, ESL and drama. 
At my camp, Camp Agawak, I am the counselor that is happy to be put ANYWHERE! From the radio station to canoeing, riflery to camping trips - I love absolutely everything at camp! I have a cabin of kids and I love getting involved in ALL the staff shows, ALL the extra activities, and I am one of the biggest pranksters at camp!